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This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |
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Why studying foreign languages? (De ce sa studiem limbile straine?) Here are some reasons for doing this activity (Iata cateva motive pentru care trebuie sa desfasuram aceasta activitate):
When studying a foreign language, in order to have a better communication, one should achieve several skills (Atunci cand studiezi limba straina, pentru a comunica bine, cineva trebuie sa dobandeasca cateva abilitati):
• clear and concise writing (scriere clara si concisa)
• understanding of audience needs (intelegerea nevoilor auditoriului)
• ability to persuade / influence (abilitatea de a convinge/influenta)
• effective use of language (folosire eficenta a limbii)
• listen and clarify well (sa asculte si sa devina cat mai clar )
• oral presentation and public speaking (prezentare orala si vorbire in public)
Two things are extremely important when learning a foreign language (Doua lucruri sunt extrem de importante atunci cand inveti o limba straina):
So, don’t forget to practice every day and try to be confident, no matter the mistakes you make (Asa ca, nu uita sa exersezi in fiecare zi sis a fii icrezator, indifferent de greselile pe care le faci).
Also, do not forget to have a dictionary nearby – it will become your best friend. Without vocabulary, there is no effective communication (De asemenea, nu uita sa tii pe-aproape un dictionar – va deveni cel mai bun prieten al tau. Fara vocabulary, nu exista o comunicare eficienta).
The units are designed to learn communication in English language, considered “an international language” or a “lingua franca” (Unitatile didactice sunt proiectate pentru a invata comunicarea in limba engleza, considerate “o limba internationala” sau o “lingua franca” ).
When meeting somebody you have to introduce yourself (Cand faci cunostinta cu cineva trebuie sa te prezinti):
Hello, I am (first name) (surname) (Salut, Ma cheama (prenume) (nume)) or (sau)
Hello, my name is (first name) (surname) (Salut, numele meu este (prenume) (nume))
Good morning (the first part of the day – until 12 o’clock p.m.)
(Buna dimineata) (prima parte a zilei – pana la ora 12 la amiaza)
Good afternoon (from noon until 5 o’clock p.m.)
(Buna ziua) (de la pranz pana la ora 5 dupa amiaza)
Good evening (from 5 o’clock p.m. until 9 o’clock p.m.)
(Buna seara) (de la ora 5 dupa amiaza pana la ora 9 seara)
Good night (after 9 o’clock p.m. or before going to bed)
(Noapte buna) (dupa ora 9 seara sau inainte de a merge la culcare)
All followed by my name is (first name) (surname).
(Toate urmate de numele meu este (prenume) (nume))
e.g. Good morning. My name is John Stevens and I am from England.
Ex.: Buna dimineata. Numele meu este John Stevens si sunt din Anglia.
When meeting someone formally for the first time, we shake their hand and say "How do you do?" or "Pleased to meet you." (Atunci cand facem cunostinta cu cineva in mod oficial, le strangem mana si spunem "How do you do?" sau "Pleased to meet you."(Incantat de cunostinta))
"How do you do?" is not really a question, it just means "Hello".
("How do you do?" nu este de fapt o intrebare, ci pur si simplu inseamna “Buna”)
A greeting is a friendly way of opening a conversation or a way of letting the other person know that we have seen them. (Un salut este o modalitate prietenoasa de a incepe o conversatie sau un mod de a-i spune celeilate persoane ca am observat-o)
Sometimes, we use body language communication, just raising or waving our hands (Uneori folosim comunicarea de tip limbajul corpului, radicand sau facand cu mana).
There are several ways to say hello (Sunt mai multe feluri in care putem spune “salut”):
When meeting someone for the first time (Atunci cand cunoastem pe cineva pentru prima oara):
If we are in a hurry, we can say (Daca suntem in graba, putem spune):
If the person you meet is an old friend or acquaintance you haven’t seen for long you can express your surprise (Daca persoana pe care o intalnesti e un vechi prieten sau o cunostinta pe care n-ai mai vazut-o demult poti sa-ti exprimi surpriza in felul urmator):
There are many ways to say goodbye (Sunt multe feluri in care putem spune la revedere):
When young people meet informally they sometimes say "Give me five!" and slap their hands together (Cand tinerii se intalnesc si sunt familiari unii cu ceilalti spun cateodata “Bate palma” si isi lovesc palmele)
Generally we do not shake hands with people we know well (In general nu dam mana cu persoanele pe care le cunoastem bine).
Now, let’s follow a dialogue between Mr. Krugger and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley (Acum sa urmarim un dialog intre Dl. Krugger si Dl. si D-na Stanley).
Mr. Krugger meets Mrs. Stanley, a former neighbor, and her husband in the station/street/supermarket (Dl. Krugger se intalneste cu D-na. Stanley, un fost vecin, si sotul ei in statie/pe strada/in supermarket).
Dl. Krugger: | Good morning, Mrs. Stanley. (Buna dimineata, d-na Stanley) |
Dna. Stanley: |
Good morning, Mr. Krugger. How are you? (Buna dimineata, d-le Krugger. Ce mai faceti?) |
Dl. Krugger: |
I'm fine, thanks, what about you? (Sunt bine, multumesc, dvs.?) |
Dna. Stanley: |
Not too bad. Mr. Krugger, this is my husband Vince. Vince, this is Mr. Krugger, the neighbor I told you about who helped me when I lived in Bremen. (Nu prea rau. D-le. Krugger, acesta este sotul meu Vince. Vince, acesta este Dl. Krugger, vecinul de care ti-am spus ca m-a ajutat pe vremea cand locuiam in Bremen) |
Dl. Stanley: |
Pleased to meet you. (Incantat sa va cunosc/de cunostinta) |
Dl. Krugger: |
Pleased to meet you, too. Are you from England, Mr Stanley? (Si eu ma bucur sa va cunosc. Sunteti din Anglia, d-le Stanley?) |
Dl. Stanley: |
No, I am from Scotland, from Edinburgh. And you, are you from Bremen? (Nu, sunt din Scotia, din Edinburgh. Dvs., sunteti din Bremen?) |
Dl. Krugger: |
No, I was born in Leipzig, but I live in Bremen now. (Nu, m-am nascut in Leipzig, dar acum locuiesc in Bremen) |
D-na. Stanley: |
Well, goodbye Mr. Krugger, it was nice to see you. (La revedere d-le. Krugger, mi-a parut bine sa va (re)vad) |
Dl. Krugger: |
Yes, goodbye. (Da, la revedere) |
Introducing yourself (Feluri in care te poti prezenta) |
Introducing others(Modalitati de prezentare a altor persoane) |
Responding to an introduction (Tipuri de raspunsuri la o recomandare) |
On Leaving (La plecare) |
Other, subsequent meetings (Alte, urmatoare intalniri)
Possible Greetings (Posibile saluturi) |
Possible responses (Posibile raspunsuri) |
On first meetings you say, "It's nice to meet you". For future meetings you say, "It's nice to see you again". (La primele intalniri spunem, "It's nice to meet you”- Ma bucur sa te(va) cunosc. Pentru intalnirile viitoare spunem, "It's nice to see you again"- Ma bucur sa te revad.)
It is very important to know how to start up conversations and how to keep conversations moving by asking general questions. (E foarte important sa stii cum sa incepi conversatii si cum sa mentii desfasurarea lor punand intrebari generale.)
The easiest way to start a conversation is by asking a question. (Cel mai facil mod de a incepe o conversatie este sa pui o intrebare.)
Nice weather, isn’t it? (Frumoasa vreme, nu-I asa?)
Or if it is about someone visiting: (Sau daca e vorba de cineva care viziteaza ceva)
Is this your first visit to ………….? (E prima data cand vizitati………..?)
Or (Sau)
How long are you planning to stay? (Cand timp (ai) aveti de gand sa stati?)
Or, you can have a short text to start with: (Sau poti utiliza un scurt text prin care sa incepi)
Hello, (name). This is a pleasant surprise. Good to see you again. How are you? (Buna ziua, (nume). Ce surpriza placuta! Ma bucur sa te(va) revad. Ce mai faci(faceti)?)
For more practice, go to: (Pentru a exersa, intrati pe:)
The noun is a word that is used to define a person, animal or living object, place, thing or quality. (Substantivul este un cuvant folosit pentru a defini o persoana, animal, sau obiect viu, loc, lucru sau calitate)
The plural of the nouns is generally formed by adding the suffix –(e)s: (Pluralul substantivelor este in general format prin adaugarea sufixului –(e)s:)
Toy – toys (Jucarie- jucarii)
Paper – papers (Hartie-hartii)
Fox – foxes (Vulpe-vulpi)
However, there are nouns with an irregular plural form, such as: (Exista totusi substantive care au o forma de plural neregulata, cum ar fi:)
Child – children (Copil-copii)
Man – men (Barbat-barbati)
Woman – women (Femeie-femei)
Goose – geese (Gasca-gaste)
Foot – feet (Picior-picioare)
Tooth – teeth (Dinte-dinti)
Mouse – mice (Soarece-soareci)
Louse – lice (Paduche-paduchi)
Die –dice (Zar-zaruri)
Ox – oxen (Bou-boi)
For nouns ending in “y”, there is only an “s” for the plural if before the “y” there is a vowel, and “y” turns into “ies” if before “y” there is a consonant. ( Pentru substantivele care se termina cu “y”, se utilizeaza doar un “s” pentru plural daca inainte de “y” avem o vocala, si “y” devine “ies” daca inainte de “y” se afla o consoana)
Boy – boys
Fairy – fairies
Pronouns replace the names of persons and objects. (Pronumele inlocuiesc numele persoanelor si obiectelor)
There are several categories: (Exista mai multe categorii):
Number |
Person |
Gender |
personal pronouns |
Subject |
Object |
singular |
1st |
male/female |
I (eu) |
me |
2nd |
male/female |
you(tu; dumneata; dvs.; mata) |
you |
3rd |
male |
he(el) |
him |
female |
she(ea) |
her |
neuter |
it(el/ea-pt. obiecte si animale) |
it |
plural |
1st |
male/female |
we(noi) |
us |
2nd |
male/female |
you(voi) |
you |
3rd |
male/female/neuter |
they(ei/ele) |
them |
E.g. I am happy today. (I = subject) (Eu sunt fericit astazi.) (I=subiect)
Give me the paper! (me = complement) (Da-mi hartia!) (me=complement)
Pronumele demonstrative (se refera la lucruri aflate in departare sau in apropiere)
near (aproape) |
far (la distanta) |
singular |
this(acesta/aceasta) |
that(acela/aceea) |
plural |
these(acestia/acestea |
those(aceia/acelea) |
E.g. This is my house. (Aceasta este casa mea)
These are my houses. (Acestea sunt casele mele)
Number |
Person |
The owner |
possessive pronouns |
singular |
1st |
male/female |
mine (al meu; a mea; ai mei; ale mele) |
2nd |
male/female |
yours(al tau, a ta, ai tai, ale tale; al, a, ai, ale dumitale/mata/dvs.) |
3rd |
male |
his(al, a, ai, ale lui, al sau, a sa, ai sai, ale sale) |
female |
hers(al, a, ai, ale ei; al sau, a sa, ai sai , ale sale) |
plural |
1st |
male/female |
ours(al nostru; a noastra; ai nostri; ale noastre) |
2nd |
male/female |
yours(al vostru, a voastra, ai vostri, ale voastre; al, a, ai, ale dvs.) |
3rd |
male/female/neuter |
theirs(al, a, ai, ale lor, dansilor sau danselor) |
E.g. This is my car. It is mine. (Aceasta este masina mea. Este a mea.)
My = possessive adjective (adjective posesiv)
Mine = possessive pronoun (pronume posesiv)
For practice, go to the following link: (Pentru a exersa, mergeti la urmatorul link:)
(Pronumele relative- introduce propozitii relative):
Who - subject (refers to people)
Care – subiect (se refera la persoane)
Eg The man who sits there is my uncle.
Ex.: Omul care sta acolo este unchiul meu.
Whom – object (refers to people)
Pe care – complement (se refera la persoane)
Eg. The girl whom I phoned last night is my deskmate.
Ex.: Fata pe care am sunat-o noaptea trecuta este colega mea de banca
Which – refers to objects
Care, Pe care
Eg. The car which is hit must be sold.
Ex.: Masina care este lovita trebuie vanduta.
That – refers both to people and objects
Care, Pe care – se refera atat la personae cat si la obiecte
Eg. The blanket that you bought yesterday is very warm.
Ex.: Patura pe care ai cumparat-o ieri este foarte calduroasa.
I am seeing the man that is very important to me.
Ma intalnesc cu omul care este foarte important pentru mine.
Whose - for possession
A, al, ai, ale, carui, carei, caror- pentru posesiune
Eg The house whose roof is red is very funny.
Ex.: Casa al carei acoperis este rosu este foarte nostima.
Most commonly used are the adjectives “good” and “bad” (Cele mai comune adjective sunt “bun si “rau””)
We use them (Le folosim)
(Cand dorim sa descriem cum ne simtim)
How are you feeling today? (Cum te simti astazi?)
How was the cake? (Cum a fost prajitura?)
It was very good.(A fost foarte buna) Or It was bad. (A fost rea)
He helped me a lot. He is good. (M-a ajutat mult. E (om) bun.)
He refused to help me. He is bad. (A refuzat sa ma ajute. E (om) rau)
Degrees of comparison (Grade de comparatie)
Positive (the form found in the dictionary) (Pozitiv) (forma din dictionar)
Eg. Good, happy, nice, thin (bun, fericit, dragut, subtire)
Comparative (Comparativ)
Fat – fatter (gras-mai gras)
Small – smaller (mic-mai mic)
Pretty – prettier (dragut-mai dragut)
modern – more modern (nodern-mai modern)
beautiful – more beautiful (frumos-mai frumos)
fat – fattest (gras-cel mai gras)
strong – strongest (puternic-cel mai puternic)
funny – funniest (amuzant-cel mai amuzant)
intelligent – the most intelligent (intelligent- cel mai inteligent)
attentive – the most attentive (atent-cel mai atent)
Irregular adjectives – the adjectives that have distinct forms for comparative and superlative: (Ajective neregulate – adjectivele care au forme distincte pentru comparative si superlativ)
Good - better (comparative) - the best (superlative)
Bun-mai bun (comparativ)- cel mai bun (superlativ)
Well – better – the best
Bine-mai bine-cel mai bine
Bad – worse – the worst
Rau-mai rau-cel mai rau
Much – more - the most
Mult-mai mult-cel mai mult; cei mai multi
Many – more – the most
Multi-mai multi-cei mai multi
Far – further/farther – the furthest
Departat-mai departat-cel mai departat
Old – elder – the eldest
Batran-mai batran/vechi-cel mai batran/vechi
Little – less – the least
Putin-mai putin-cel mai putin
For practice, go to: (Pentru a exersa accesati link-ul:)
Main types of adverbs: (Principalele tipuri de adverbe)
Eg She went there to change the banknote. (S-a dus acolo ca sa schimbe bancnota)
We come here to eat icecream. (Venim aici sa mancam inghetata)
Eg She walked quietly into the other room. (A intrat in liniste in camera cealalta)
She suddenly stopped in front of her room. (S-a oprit brusc in fata camerei ei)
Eg We will see tomorrow what to do. (Vom vedea maine ce e de facut)
Today, I feel fine. (Astazi, ma simt bine.)
Eg He always buys pizza. (El cumpara intotdeauna pizza.)
You never keep your promise. (Nu-ti tii niciodata promisiunea.)
Numerals mean numbers. There are two categories: cardinal and ordinal. (Numeralele se refera la numere. Sunt doua categorii: cardinale si ordinale)
Cardinal numerals: (Numeralele cardinale):
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten (unu, doi, trei, patru, cinci, sase, sapte, opt, noua, zece)
Eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty (11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20)
Twenty-one, twenty-two… (21,22…)
one hundred and twenty eight (128)
Ordinal numerals: (Numeralele ordinale)
The first, the second, the third, the fourth…(primul, al doilea, al treilea, al patrulea…)
The numerals can turn into nouns if they are in the plural form: (Numeralele pot deveni substantive daca sunt la plural)
Two tens are enough for a tip. (Doua bancnote de 10 sunt de ajuns ca bacsis.)
Our neighbor is in his fifties. (Vecinul nostru are 50 si ceva de ani.)
Book(carte), goose(gasca), box(cutie), child(copil), mouse(soarece), glass(geam)
Funny(nostim), important, clever(inteligent), beautiful(frumos), smart(destept)
This is my house. It is ….. (Aceasta este casa mea. Este…)
That is her new dress. It is ….(Aceea este noua ei rochie. Este…)
In front of the house you can see our car. It is ….(In fata casei poti vedea masina noastra. Este…)
The woman …..greeted me is Mrs. Jones. (Femeia….m-a salutat este D-na. Jones)
This is not the book …I bought last week. (Aceasta nu este cartea…am cumparat-o saptamana trecuta.)
The company ….car is broken is very poor. (Compania…masina este stricata este foarte saraca)