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This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |
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“Please, take the time to fill in this questionnaire and send it to Mr/Mrs/Ms …” (Va rog, faceti-va timp pentru a completa acest chestionar si trimiteti-l d-lui.d-nei/d-rei…)
And end like this: (Si incheiati in urmatorul fel:)
“Thank you for your time” (Multumesc pentru timpul dvs. acordat)
Your name (Numele tau)
Your address (Adresa ta)
Your e-mail address (Adresa ta de e-mail)
Your phone (Numarul tau de telefon)
You must be very precise and concise when writing a message or a short note in order to avoid ambiguity. The message must be clear and easy to understand. (Trebuie sa fii foarte precis si concis atunci cand scrii un mesaj si o notita pentru a evita ambiguitatea. Mesajul trebuie sa fie clar si usor de inteles.)
Short notes must not have a complicated structure, since complex sentences are very difficult to follow. (Notitele nu trebuie sa aiba o structura complicate, din moment ce propozitiile complexe sunt foarte dificil de urmarit.)
Short notes regarding a meeting: (Notite privind o intalnire:)
I arrived at 6 o’clock. There was nobody in the office. I then realized that the meeting was at 7 o’clock. I read a newspaper and drank a cup of coffee. (Am ajuns la ora 6. Nu era nimeni in birou. Atunci am realizat ca intalnirea era la ora 7. Am citit un ziar si am baut o cafea.)
A message which you leave to your child: (Un mesaj pe care-l lasi copilului tau:)
Hi, my dear. I had to go to an important meeting. Don’t wait for me. You find something to eat in the fridge. Do your homework and go to sleep at 10 o’clock. I’ll be back as soon as possible. (Buna, dragule. A trebuit sa plec la o intalnie importanta. Nu ma astepta. Gasesti ceva de mancare in frigider. Fa-ti tema si mergi la culcare la ora 10.)
Sample: (Mostra:)
Date (Data)
(Name and address of the receiver) (Numele si adresa destinatarului)
25 Riverside Street
(post code) (cod postal)
Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms …
Allow me the pleasure of congratulating you on your new job/ on your 10th anniversary/ on your buying a new house etc.
I am certain it is a great achievement and I look forward to congratulating you in person.
Best regards,
(Your name)
Draga D-le/D-na/D-ra…
Permiteti-mi sa-mi exprim deosebita placere de a va felicita pentru noul dvs. loc de munca/cu ocazia celei de-a 10-a aniversari/ cu ocazia achizitiei noii case etc.
Sunt convins ca este o realizarea mareata si astept cu nerabdare sa va felicit personal.
Cele mai bune urari,
(Numele tau)
Writing a complaint letter (Cum sa scrii o scrisoare de nemultumire)
Sample: (Mostra:)
Date (Data)
(Name and address of the receiver) (Numele si adresa destinatarului)
25 Riverside Street
(post code) (codul postal)
Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms …
I am writing on a matter which I am sure it will be of interest to you. The attitude of some of your employees is not something that honors you.
I am not asking to punish/fire them, but I would like to talk to them in order to revise their attitude towards customers.
Thank you for your time and I do believe in your fair judgement.
(your name and e-mail address)
Draga D-le/D-na/D-ra…
Va scriu in legatura cu o chestiune care sunt sigur ca o sa va intereseze. Atitudinea unora dintre angajatii dvs. nu va onoreaza.
Nu va cer sa-I peepsiti/concediati, dar as vrea sa vorbesc cu ei pentru a le revizui atitudinea fata de clienti.
Va multumesc pentru timpul dvs. sic red cu tarie in judecata dvs. dreapta.
Al dvs.,
(numele si adresa de e-mail)
Verb +ed or follow the irregular verb forms (sau urmariti formele neregulate ale unor verbe)
Affirmative: I worked on the computer until midnight.
(Am lucrat la calculator pana la miezul noptii.)
Negative: I didn’t see him when he arrived.
(Nu l-am vazut cand a sosit.)
Interrogative: Did you take the papers?
(Ai luat tu hartiile?)
The past tense simple usually expresses a completed action in the past and it often goes with adverbs of time.
(Trecutul simplu exprima de obicei o actiune incheiata in trecut si se foloseste adesea cu adverbe de timp.)
The past tense of the irregular verbs must be learnt by heart. (Formele de trecut ale verbelor neregulate trebuie invatate pe dinafara.)
List of common irregular verbs in English (there are many more but these are most commonly used): (Lista verbelor neregulate uzuale in limba engleza- sunt mult mai multe dar acestea sunt cel mai adesea utilizate )
V1 Base Form Forma de baza |
V2 |
V3 |
Translation |
awake |
awoke |
awoken |
A (se) trezi |
be |
was, were |
been |
A fi |
beat |
beat |
beaten |
A bate |
become |
became |
become |
A deveni |
begin |
began |
begun |
A incepe |
bend |
bent |
bent |
A apleca |
bet |
bet |
bet |
A paria |
bid |
bid |
bid |
A paria |
bite |
bit |
bitten |
A musca |
blow |
blew |
blown |
A sufla |
break |
broke |
broken |
A sparge |
bring |
brought |
brought |
A aduce |
broadcast |
broadcast |
broadcast |
A transmite |
build |
built |
built |
A construi |
burn |
burned/burnt |
burned/burnt |
A arde |
buy |
bought |
bought |
A cumpara |
catch |
caught |
caught |
A prinde |
choose |
chose |
chosen |
A alege |
come |
came |
come |
A veni |
cost |
cost |
cost |
A costa |
cut |
cut |
cut |
A taia |
dig |
dug |
dug |
A sapa |
do |
did |
done |
A face |
draw |
drew |
drawn |
A desena |
dream |
dreamed/dreamt |
dreamed/dreamt |
A visa |
drive |
drove |
driven |
A conduce |
drink |
drank |
drunk |
A bea |
eat |
ate |
eaten |
A manca |
fall |
fell |
fallen |
A cadea |
feel |
felt |
felt |
A simti |
fight |
fought |
fought |
A lupta |
find |
found |
found |
A gasi |
fly |
flew |
flown |
A zbura |
forget |
forgot |
forgotten |
A uita |
forgive |
forgave |
forgiven |
A ierta |
freeze |
froze |
frozen |
A ingheta |
get |
got |
gotten |
A lua |
give |
gave |
given |
A da |
go |
went |
gone |
A merge |
grow |
grew |
grown |
A creste |
hang |
hung |
hung |
A spanzura |
have |
had |
had |
A avea |
hear |
heard |
heard |
A auzi |
hide |
hid |
hidden |
A ascunde |
hit |
hit |
hit |
A lovi |
hold |
held |
held |
A tine |
hurt |
hurt |
hurt |
A rani |
keep |
kept |
kept |
A tine |
know |
knew |
known |
A stii |
lay |
laid |
laid |
A aseza |
lead |
led |
led |
A conduce |
learn |
learned/learnt |
learned/learnt |
A invata |
leave |
left |
left |
A pleca |
lend |
lent |
lent |
A da cu imprumut |
let |
let |
let |
A lasa |
lie |
lay |
lain |
A minti |
lose |
lost |
lost |
A pierde |
make |
made |
made |
A face |
mean |
meant |
meant |
A semnifica |
meet |
met |
met |
A intalni |
pay |
paid |
paid |
A plati |
put |
put |
put |
A pune |
read |
read |
read |
A citi |
ride |
rode |
ridden |
A calari |
ring |
rang |
rung |
A suna |
rise |
rose |
risen |
A (se) urca |
run |
ran |
run |
A fugi |
say |
said |
said |
A spune |
see |
saw |
seen |
A vedea |
sell |
sold |
sold |
A vinde |
send |
sent |
sent |
A trimite |
show |
showed |
showed/shown |
A arata |
shut |
shut |
shut |
A inchide |
sing |
sang |
sung |
A canta |
sit |
sat |
sat |
A (se) aseza |
sleep |
slept |
slept |
A dormi |
speak |
spoke |
spoken |
A vorbi |
spend |
spent |
spent |
A petrece |
stand |
stood |
stood |
A sta |
swim |
swam |
swum |
A inota |
take |
took |
taken |
A lua |
teach |
taught |
taught |
A invata |
tear |
tore |
torn |
A sfasia |
tell |
told |
told |
A spune |
think |
thought |
thought |
A gandi |
throw |
threw |
thrown |
A arunca |
understand |
understood |
understood |
A intelege |
wake |
woke |
woken |
A trezi |
wear |
wore |
worn |
A purta |
win |
won |
won |
A castiga |
write |
wrote |
written |
A scrie |
For practice, go to the following links: (Pentru a exersa accesati urmatoarele link-uri:)
Learn to write about everyday facts (Invata sa scrii despre subiectele de zi cu zi):
As in all big cities, parking in inner city (or downtown) can be limited. In some parking areas, there are coin operated parking meters with maximum time limit. (Ca in toate orasele mari, numarul locurilor de parcare in interiorul orsului (sau in centru) poate fi limitat. In unele zone de parcare exista parcometre care functioneaza cu monezi, avand limita de timp admisa.)
Writing about the public transport (Transportul in comun)
The town has an efficient bus system which offers you comfort and support. You can rely on it. Besides, there are a lot of taxi companies which have a very quick response when calling them. (Orasul are un sistem eficient de autobuze care iti ofera confort si sprijin. Te poti bizui pe el. In plus, sunt o multime de companii de taxi care raspund cu promptitudine la apel.)
Most banks are open from 8 o’clock until 4 o’clock, Monday to Friday. On Saturday, they are open until 1 o’clock. On Sundays, all the banks are closed. (Majoritatea bancilor sunt deschise de la ora 8 pana la ora 4, de luni pana vineri. Sambata, sunt deschise pana la ora 1. Duminica, toate bancile sunt inchise.)
In order to have a chronological order of the activities you performed or the ones you witnessed it is important to use words that make your statement clear: (Pentru a avea o ordine cronologica a activitatilor pe care le-ai facut sau la care ai fost martor este important sa folosesti cuvinte care sa-ti faca afirmatia clara:)
In the morning/in the afternoon/in the evening/at night (Dimineata/dupa-amiaza/seara/noaptea)
In the very morning = early in the morning (dis de dimineata)
From 8 o’clock until 11 o’clock ….(or any other periods of time) (de la ora 8 la 11…)
Then… (apoi…)
After that… (dupa aceea…)
Subsequently… (prin urmare)
Previously… (mai inainte)
In the end… (la sfarsit…)
Finally… (in concluzie)
There are many connectors that can ease your discourse (they are also called discourse markers). Among them, the most common examples are: (Sunt multi conectori care iti pot usura convorbirea. Printre ei cele mai obisnuite exemple sunt:
I mean (vreau sa zic)
Actually (de fapt)
In fact (de fap; in realitate)
As a matter of fact (de fapt)
In other words (cu alte cuvinte)
First of all (in primul rand)
To begin with/ to start with (ca sa incep; pentru a incepe; de inceput)
Second (in al doilea rand)
Then …/ next… (apoi, dupa…)
After that… / Later … (dupa aceea…/mai tarziu…)
Lastly … / finally (in sfarsit, in fine, in cele din urma…/in concluzie)
Moreover (in plus, pe deasupra, afara de aceasta; de altfel)
Furthermore (afara de aceasta, in plus; de altfel)
In addition (in plus)
And (si)
Also (de asemenea)
As well as that (precum si asta)
Besides (in afara de)
On top of that (si unde mai pui ca)
Another thing is (alt lucru este ca)
For example (de exemplu)
To illustrate (pentru a ilustra/demosntra)
For instance (de exemplu)
In particular (in special)
On the whole (in total; in general)
In general (in general)
Broadly speaking (in linii mari vorbind)
In summary (pe scurt)
To summarize (pentru a rezuma)
To conclude (pentru a conchide)
In conclusion (in concluzie)
But (dar)
On the contrary (din contra)
On the other hand (pe de cealalta parte)
However (totusi, cu toate acestea)
Even so (chiar si asa)
Still (totusi)
Although (desi, cu toate acestea)
Daca esti pregatit pentru examenul de autoevaluare mergi, te rog, la sectiunea TEST care se gaseste pe platforma web |
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