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This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |
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When asking for something you must use “please” (Cand ceri ceva trebuie sa folosesti”please”)
(“please” is also used as a polite way of saying yes to an offer) (“please” este de asemenea o forma politicoasa de a accepta o oferta)
Please, may I take the notebook? (Pot sa iau caietul, va rog?)
May I please go out for ten minutes? (Pot sa ies afara pentru 10 minute, va rog?)
Could I please have some chocolate? (Imi puteti oferi, va rog, putina ciocolata?)
Please can also be used to show satisfaction: (“Please” poate fi folosit si pentru a arata satisfactie)
I am pleased with my new car. (Sunt multumit de noua mea masina)
My new job gives me a lot of pleasure. (Noua mea slujba imi ofera multa placere)
Can I offer you a glass of water? (Pot sa va ofer un pahar cu apa?)
Yes, please. (Da, va rog.)
Using “Thank you” means a polite way to show how grateful you are when you receive something or somebody helps you with something, and you want to return that person’s generosity verbally. (Cand folosesti “thank you”, intrebuintezi o forma politicoasa pentru a arata cat de recunoscator esti cand primesti ceva sau te ajuta cineva cu ceva, si vrei sa-ti exprimi generozitatea verbal)
Besides the common “Thank you”, we can also use: (In afara de uzualul “thank you”, putem de asemenea utiliza)
When somebody asks something, it is normal and polite to offer a response, a reply, an answer. By doing this, you show respect to other people. (Cand cineva solicita ceva, este normal si politicos sa oferi un raspuns, o replica). Facand acest lucru, arati respect celorlalti.)
The answer can be a simple one: (Raspunsul poate fi unul simplu)
Yes/no/maybe/perhaps (da/nu/e posibil/poate)
Or a more complex one, by adding conditions or reasons (sau unul complex, adaugand conditii sau motive)
Please, may I borrow this book? (Pot sa iau cu imprumut aceasta carte, va rog?)
Yes, but only for one week because everybody needs it. (Da, dar numai pentru o saptamana deoarece toata lumea are nevoie de ea.)
Please, may I use this pen? (Pot, sa folosesc acest stilou, va rog?)
No, because it doesn’t work. (Nu, deoarece nu merge.)
Can I please go to the mountains? (Pot sa merg la munte, va rog?)
Yes, you can but make sure you take warm clothes. (Da, dar ai grija sa-ti iei haine calduroase)
Whenever answering “No”, you must be ready to say why because the person will ask you “Why not?” (Ori de cate ori raspunzi cu “Nu”, trebuie sa fii pregatit sa spui de ce pentru ca persoana te va intreba “de ce nu?”)
If you answer “Thank you” or the other person will say “Thank you”, one must come with a reply: (Daca raspunzi “Thank you”, sau cealalta persoana va spune “Thank you, cineva dintre voi trebuie sa vina cu o replica”)
Thank you.
When asking for direction, you should start with “Excuse me” (Atunci cand ceri o informatie legata de o anume directie, trebuie sa incepi cu”Imi cer scuze/Ma scuzati”)
Excuse me, is this the right road to the railway station? (Imi cer scuze, acesta este drumul bun catre gara?)
Yes, it is. (Da, acesta este.)
Or (sau)
No, you are going the wrong direction. (Nu, mergeti in directia gresita)
Other directions: (Alte directii)
Other questions related to asking for direction: (Alte intrebari folosite pentru a cere directionarea)
How far is it to Madrid? (Cat de departe este oana la Madrid?)
How long would it take to Paris? (Cat dureaza pana la Paris?)
How long would it take to London by car/by train/by plane/by motorbike/by bike? (Cat ar dura pana la Londra cu masina/trenul/avionul/motocicleta/bicicleta?)
Possible answers: (Raspunsuri posibile)
It takes you twenty minutes/two hours/three days/one month (Iti ia 20 de minute/2 ore/3 zile/o luna)
Or (sau)
It’s a ten-minute walk (E la o distanta de 10 minute de mers pe jos.)
It’s a four-hour drive (Iti ia 4 ore de mers cu masina)
Making requests is a normal thing to do, if we really want something. (A formula solicitari este un lucru normal, daca vrem cu adevarat ceva)
(do not forget to start with a “please”) (nu uita sa incepi cu “please”)
Please, may/can I use your (Pot/imi dati voie, va rog, sa folosesc
Please, can you show me how to: (Imi puteti arata, va rog, cum sa)
Do you have any: (Aveti)
Please, can I borrow your/please, can you lend me your: (Pot, va rog, sa iau cu imprumut/Puteti, va rog, sa-mi imprumutati)
Would you please help me: Vreti, va rog, sa ma ajutati:
The verb “to be” is one of the most important verbs in English. (Verbul “a fi” este unul din cele mai importante verbe in limba engleza)
Affirmative (afirmativ)
I am (eu sunt)
You are (tu esti)
He/she/it is (he and she for persons, it for anything else) (el/ea este) (he si she se folosesc pentru personae, it pentru orice altceva)
We are (noi suntem)
You are (voi sunteti)
They are (ei sunt)
Negative (negativ)
I am not (eu nu sunt)
You are not (tu nu esti)
He/she/it is not (el/ea nu este)
We are not (noi nu suntem)
You are not (voi nu sunteti)
They are not (ei nu sunt)
Interrogative (interogativ)
Am I? (sunt eu?)
Are you? (esti tu?)
Is he/she/it? (este el/ea?)
Are we? (suntem noi?)
Are you? (sunteti voi?)
Are they? (sunt ei?)
Form of Present Tense Simple (Forma Timpului Prezent Simplu)
Verb plus e/es (in the third person singular) (Verb + e/es (la pers. a 3-a sg.))
I go to work. (Eu merg la lucru); We go to the city hall. (Noi mergem la primarie)
You go to school. (Tu mergi la scoala); You go downtown (Tu te duci in centru).
He/she/it goes outside. (El/ea merge afara)
They go to the restaurant (Ei merg la restaurant).
I don’t go to work. (Eu nu merg la lucru) ; We don’t go to the city hall. (Noi nu mergem la primarie)
You don’t go to school. (Tu nu mergi la scoala)
You don’t go downtown. (Tu nu mergi in centru)
He/she/it doesn’t go outside. (El/ea nu merg afara )
They don’t go to the restaurant. (Ei nu merg la restaurant.)
Do I go to work? (Merg la lucru?)
Do we go to the city hall? (Mergem la primarie?)
Do you go to school? (Te duci la scoala?)
Do you go downtown? (Te duci in centru?)
Does he/she/it go outside? (Merge el/ea afara?)
Do they go to the restaurant? (Merg la restaurant?)
Uses of present tense simple (cand folosim timpul present simplu)
I send messages every morning. (Trimit mesaje in fiecare dimineata)
I usually eat ice-cream after lunch. (De obicei mananc inghetata dupa masa de pranz)
I always speak with my friends on Sunday. (Vobesc intotdeauna cu prietenii mei duminica)
France is in Europe. (Franta este in Europa)
Water boils at 100o C. (Apa fierbe la 1000C)
Cats like mice. (Pisicilor le plac soarecii)
The plane leaves tomorrow in the morning. (Avionul pleaca maine de dimineata)
The meeting starts at nine o’clock this evening. (Intalnirea incepe la ora 9 seara)