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This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |
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You will frequently hear: (Veti auzi frecvent: )
Come here, please. (Veniti aici, va rog.)
Go there, please. (Duceti-va acolo, va rog.)
Write your name here, please. (Scrieti-va numele aici, va rog.)
Sign here, please. (Semnati aici, va rog.)
Next, please. (Urmatorul, va rog.)
Someone else, please. (Altcineva, va rog.)
This way, please. (Pe aici, va rog.)
Stop here, please. (Opriti-va aici, va rog.)
Just a minute, please. (O clipa, va rog.)
Here you are. (Iata-te.)
When asking questions we frequently use: (Atunci cand punem intrebari folosim frecvent)
When (Cand)
When do you want to come? (Cand vrei sa vii?)
Where (Unde)
Where do you want to go? (Unde vrei sa mergi?)
Why (de ce)
Why do you prefer to stay here? (De ce preferi sa stai aici?)
Who (cine)
Who is there? (Cine e acolo?)
What (Ce)
What is this? (Ce este asta?)
Which (Care)
Which car do you like? (Care masina iti place?)
How (Cum)
How do you like the coffee? (Cum iti place cafeaua?)
How much (cat de mult)
How much sugar do you want? (Cat zahar vrei?)
How many (cati, cate)
How many days do you want to stay there? (Cate zile vrei sa stai acolo?)
Decimals will always be indicated by a “.” (point) and not by a “,” (comma)
(Decimalele vor fi mereu indicate prin”.” (punct) sin u prin “,” (virgula)
Numbers after decimals are spoken separately:
(Numerele dupa decimale se rostesc separat: )
35.42 = thirty-five point four two (trei zeci si cinci virgula patru zeci si doi)
A zero following a decimal point is spoken like the letter of the alphabet (o):
Un zero care urmeaza un punct care desparte intregul de fractii se rosteste ca litera alfabetului (o)
12.08 = twelve point oh eight (12 virgula 08)
Percentages (%) have the following rule: (Procentajele (%) au urmatoarea regula):
87% = eighty-seven percent (the stress in the word “percent” is on the second syllable) (87 % (accentul din cuvantul “la suta” cade pe a doua silaba))
For expressing totals we use: (Pentru a exprima totalitatea folosim:)
The population of the city (Populatia orasului)
Telling the time: (Cum spunem ce ora este)
(Daca vrem sa stim cat este ora, intrebam de obicei in felul urmator)
What time is it, please? (Cat este ceasul/ora, va rog?)
Could you, please, tell me what time it is? (Imi puteti spune, va rog, cat este ceasul?)
The answer starts with “It is” followed by the number of minutes, then “past” or “to” and finally by the hour. (Raspunsul incepe cu “Este” urmat de numarul de minute, apoi “si” sau “fara” iar apoi ora.)
Fifteen minutes means a quarter (of an hour). (15 minute inseamna un sfer de ora)
Thirty minutes means half (of an hour). (30 de minute inseamna o jumatate de ora)
What time is it? (Cat este ceasul/ora?)
If it is 7:15 you say: It is a quarter past seven. (Daca este 7:15 spui: Este 7 si un sfert)
If it is 6:45 you say: It is a quarter to seven. (Daca este 6:45 spui: E sapte fara un sfert)
If it is 8:30 you say: It is half past eight. (Daca este 8:30 spui: Este opt si jumatate)
If it is 4:00 you say: It is four o’clock. (Daca este 4:00 spui: Este ora 4.)
Example: )
Ladies and gentlemen/Dear participants/dear guests/dear collaborators
I would like to welcome you to the official opening of …. It is a great honour for everybody. ….
Thanks everybody for participation and thanks for paying attention.
I wish you a successful activity.
(Doamnelor si domnilor/Dragi participanti/dragi oaspeti/dragi colaboratori
Doresc sa va urez bun venit cu ocazia deschiderii….Este o mare onoare pentru toata lumea…
Multumesc tuturor pentru participare si pentru atentia acordata
Va doresc o activitate plina de succes)
Hello everybody,
As you well know, we have a little delay with our products delivery. I would like to ask all of you to make an effort to be on time with production. That’s all for today. Now, it is time to get to work.
(Buna ziua la toata lumea,
Dupa cum stiti cu totii, avem o mica intarziere cu livrarea produselor noastre. Vreau sa va rog pe toti sa faceti un effort pentru a fi la timp cu productia. Asta e tot pentru azi. Acum e timpul sa trecem la treaba.)
Good morning,
We have problems. Actually, you have very big problems….
(Buna dimineata,
Avem probleme. De fapt, voi sunteti cei care aveti mari probleme…
If in an airport or in a station, you must pay attention to important details such as time and place. (Daca te afli intr-un aeroport, sau intr-o statie trebuie sa fii atent la detaliile importante cum ar fi ora si locul)
The text can sound like this: (Textul poate suna in felul urmator)
Attention please, all passengers on Flight 853 to Edinburgh. We are now ready for boarding at Gate C28. Thank you. (Atentie va rog, toti pasagerii Zborului 853 catre Edinburgh. Suntem gata de imbarcare la Poarta C28. Va multumesc. )
After hearing such an announcement, you must be able to answer several questions, such as: (Dupa ce-ai auzit un asemenea anunt, trebuie sa stii sa raspunzi la cateva intrebari, cum ar fi: )
Who is making the announcement? (Cine face anuntul?)
What number is the flight? (Ce numar este zborul?)
What gate is the flight? (La ce poarta este imbarcarea?)
Practice with your teacher or colleague (to make announcements and read them aloud). (Exerseaza cu profesorul sau colegul pentru a face anunturi si a le citi cu voce tare).
When two people are discussing, you can draw a conclusion, you can get the main idea of their conversation. (Cand doi oameni discuta, poti sa tragi o concluzie, poti sa degaji ideea esentiala din conversatia lor)
Alan: Tomorrow, I have a very difficult exam. I could not learn everything. (Maine, am un examen foarte dificil. Nu am putut sa invat tot.)
Tom: It’s a pity. You know that our teacher is very harsh on grades. (Pacat. Stii ca profesorul nastru este foarte exigent la note.)
What is the main idea of the dialogue? (Care este idea esentiala care reiese din dialog?
Most probably, Alan will fail the exam. (Cel mai probabil, Alan va pica examenul)
For more practice go to: (Pentru mai multa exerseare accesati unul din link-urile)