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This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |
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Simple means memorable and understandable. (Simplu inseamna care se poate memora si intelege.)
Have yourself a Happy Easter! or Have a Happy Easter! or just Happy Easter! (Sa ai(aveti) parte de un Paste Fericit! sau Sa ai(aveti) un Paste Fericit! sau pur si simplu Paste Fericit!)
Merry Christmas to you and your family! (Craciun Fericit tie si familei tale!)
Many happy returns of the day! (La multi ani!)
Happy anniversary! (La multi ani!)
I am busy now. Come back later. (Sunt ocupat acum. Vino mai tarziu.)
I will be right back. (Ma intorc imediat.)
Please, hold on. (Te (va) rog, asteapta.)
Watch out, slippery steps. (Ai(Aveti) grija, treptele sunt alunecoase.)
Questionnaires allow you to gather information you cannot find elsewhere. Thus, the information is unique and updated. On the other hand, the quality and the structure of the questionnaire are very important for the relevance of the information. (Chestionarele iti permit sa aduni informatii pe care nu le gasesti altundeva. Astfel, informatiile sunt unice si de actualitate. Pe de cealalta parte, calitatea si structura chestionarului sunt foarte importante pentru relevanta informatiilor.
It is very important to know that important questions are placed at the beginning of the questionnaire since most of them are returned only partially completed. (Este foarte important sa stii ca intrebarile importante sunt plasate la inceputul chestionarului din moment ce majoritatea dintre ele sunt returnate doar partial completate.)
If you plan to design a questionnaire, make it convenient. The easier for the respondent to complete, the better. (Daca ai de gand sa intocmesti un chestionar, fa-l accesibil. Cu cat este mai usor de completat pentru respondent, cu atat mai bine.)
You can have an open format question, such as: (Poti avea o intrebare cu format deschis, cum ar fi:)
State your opinion on …. (Exprimati-va opinia vizavi…)
Or (sau)
You can choose a close format question (implying multiple choice answer), such as: (Poti opta pentru o intrebare cu format inchis (care implica alegerea raspunsului din mai multe variante) cum ar fi:)
How often do you go shopping? (Cat de des mergeti la cumparaturi?)
Or (sau)
You can try dichotomous questions – the respondent answers only with yes or no: (Poti incerca intrebari dihotomice – respondentul raspunde doar cu da sau nu:)
Do you like working in a big company? (Iti place sa lucrezi intr-o companie mare?)
You can also have rating scale questions (the respondent has to rate a particular issue on a scale ranging from good to poor): (Poti avea si intrebari care implica o scara de valore) (repondentul trebuie sa aprecieze o anumita chestiune pe o scara cuprinsa intre bun si slab)
How would you rate the quality of the National Agency for Employment? (Cum ati aprecia calitatea Agentiei Nationale pentru Angajare?)
Here are some basic commands and their shortcut keys (Iata cateva comenzi de baza si combinatiile lor rapide)
Select all text – Ctrl + A
(Selectarea intregului text)
Cut selected item – Ctrl + X
(Decuparea obiectului selectat)
Copy selected item – Ctrl + C
(Copierea obiectului selectat)
Paste selected item – Ctrl +V
(Lipirea obiectului selectat)
Go to end of document – Ctrl + End
(Mergi la sfarsitul documentului)
Go to end of current line – End
(Mergi la sfarsitul randului curent)
Go to beginning of document – Ctrl + Home
(Mergi la inceputul documentului)
Go to beginning of current line – Home
(Mergi la inceputul randului curent)
Form (Forma)
Will + verb
Affirmative: I will go tomorrow to visit my parents. (Maine voi merge sa-mi vizitez parintii.
Negative: You will not (won’t) play with him anymore. (Nu te vei mai juca cu el.)
Interrogative: Will she come to see me? (Va veni ea sa ma vada?)
Another way to express futurity is given by the future of intention – “to be going to” future (Un alt mod de a exprima posteritatea este dat de viitorul de intentie “to be going to”)
Form (Forma)
Am/are/is +going to + verb
It is used for intended actions: (Se foloseste pentru actiuni premeditate)
I am going to buy a new car. (O sa-mi cumpar/Imi voi cumpara o masina noua.)
25 Bonaparte Street
New Jersey
March 29, 2010 (29, martie,2010)
Robert McPeterson
240, Coventry Street
Edinburgh, UK
Dear Robert,
Please accept my heartiest congratulations on your recent prize.
Your sister, Susan, is the one who spread the good news when she paid us a visit last week. As you can imagine, Susan was very happy about it.
I can tell you that we are all proud of you. As a matter of fact, you deserved the prize after all the years of hard work. It’s a good thing that value is recognized, from time to time.
Once again, my sincere congratulations on your achievement. It is an honor for you and, why not, for all your friends. I look forward to seeing you in July, when you promised you would come to the US.
Best wishes,
Christopher Lambert
Draga Robert,
Primeste, te rog felicitarile mele din inima pentru recentul tau premiu.
Sora ta, Susan, este cea care a raspandit vestile bune cand ne-a facut o vizita saptamana trecuta. Dupa cum iti poti imagina, Susan era foarte fericita pentru acest lucru.
Poti sa-ti spun ca sintem cu totii mandri de tine. De fapt, ai meritat premiul dupa atatia ani de munca asidua. E un lucru bun ca valoarea este recunoscuta din cand in cand.
Inca o data, felicitarile mele sincere pentru realizare. Este o onoare pentru tine si de ce nu, pentru toti prietenii tai. Astept cu nerabdare sa te vad in iulie, cand ai promis ca o sa vii in SUA.
Cele mai bune urari,
Christopher Lambert
Questions: (Intrebari)
Who is the sender? (Cine este expeditorul?)
What kind of letter is this? (Ce fel de scrisoare este?)
Understand basic information on people and events (Intelegerea informatiilor de baza despre oameni si evenimente)
We can give a search on the internet on different people and events or we can look into an encyclopedia for this information, in order to be able to communicate with the others. (Putem sa cautam pe internet informatii despre diferiti oameni sau evenimente sau putem sa ne uitam intr-o enciclopedie, pentru a putea comunica cu ceilalti)
E.g. The Earthquake in Haiti (Cutremurul din Haiti)
The epicenter of the earthquake was near the town of Leogane, approximately 25 km west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti’s capital. The earthquake occurred at 16:53 local time, on Tuesday, 12 January 2010. The magnitude was 7 and the government reported more than 250,000 deaths, 300,000 injured and 1,000,000 homeless. (Epicentrul cutremurului a fost in apropiere de orasul Leogane, aproximativ 25 Km la vest de Port-au-Prince, capitala statului Haiti. Cutremurul a avut loc la ora 16:53 ora locala, marti, 12 ianuarie, 2010. Magnitudinea a fost 7 pe scara Richter iar guvernul a facut public cifrele: 250,000 de morti, 300,000 de raniti si 1,000,000 de oameni ramasi fara adapost.)
As you can see, the information is enough for someone to have an idea on the earthquake in Haiti, at the beginning of 2010. (Dupa cum poti vedea, informatiile sunt suficiente pentru ca cineva sa poata avea o idée despre cutremurul din Haiti, la inceputul lui 2010.)
After reading the text, we should be able to answer simple questions such as: (Dupa ce-am citit textul, ar trebui sa putem raspunde la intrebari simple cum ar fi:)
Napoleon Bonaparte
Napoleon Bonaparte was born on August 15, 1769 and died on 5 May, 1821. He was the Emperor of French, as Napoleon I. He is remembered for the establishment of the Napoleonic Code, the civil code in France. (Napoleon Bonaparte s-a nascut pe 15 august, 1769 si a murit pe 5 mai 1821. A fost imparatul poporului francez, ca Napoleon I. Lumea si-l aduce aminte pentru instauraea Codului Napoleonian, codul civil in Franta.)
The above information gives us details about place and time and also significant details. (Informatiile de mai sus ne ofera detalii despre loc si timp dar si detalii importante)
After reading the text, we should be able to answer simple questions such as: (Dupa citirea textului, ar trebui sa putem raspunde la intrebari simple, cum ar fi: )
Practice: (Exercitiu)
Read about a famous artist and write a few words about him/her. (Citeste despre un artist faimos si scrie cateva cuvinte despre el/ea.)
Read about a famous battle in the history or about an important event and write several sentences about it. (Citeste despre o batalie celebra din istorie sau despre un eveniment important si scrie cateva propozitii despre el.)
Understand instructions (Intelegerea instructiunilor)
When using a product or a device, you have to observe the instructions otherwise you can have a lot of unpleasant surprises. (Atunci cand folosesti un produs sau dispozitiv, trebuie sa urmaresti instructiunile altfel poti avea o serie de surprize neplacute.)
Instructions in food packets, recipes or in any other products or devices are commonly written in the imperative: (Instructiunile din pachetele cu mancare, retete, sau din alte produse sau dispozitive sunt scrise in mod obisnuit la modul imperative:)
Let’s see an example about instructions for using injectable drugs: (Hai sa vedem un exemplu despre instructiunile pentru utilizarea medicamentelor injectabile.)
Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water. If using a new bottle for the first time, flip off the plastic cover to expose the gray rubber stopper. Wipe metal ring and rubber stopper with an alcohol wipe each time you use the drug. Check the liquid in the container. If it is not clear or has particles in it, DO NOT USE IT. Exchange it at your pharmacy for another container. (Spalati-va bine pe maini cu sapun si apa. Daca folositi o noua sticla pentru prima data, dati la o parte invelisul din plastic pentru a expune dopul cenusiu de cauciuc. Stergeti inelul de metal si dopul de cauciuc cu un servetel dezinfectant impregnat cu solutie pe baza de alcool de fiecare data cand folositi medicamentul. Verificati lichidul din recipient. Daca nu este limpede sau are particule in el NU-L FOLOSITI. Schimbati-l la farmacia dvs. cu un altul. )
Life in England is not easy. A good job is hard to find and the rent is not so cheap. You can have some problems with the changing weather and the traffic is different from that in the Continental Europe. On the other hand, English is not a very difficult language to learn. (Viata in Anglia nu este usoara. Un loc de munca bun este greu de gasit iar chiria nu este atat de ieftina. Poti avea unele probleme cu vremea schimbatoare iar traficul este diferit de cel din Europa Continentala. Pe de cealalta parte, engleza nu este o limba greu de invatat.)
What is the text about? (Despre ce este vorba in text?)
What do we know about the weather in England? Ce stim despre vremea din Anglia?
Eu……………………..pamantul meu in urmatorii doi ani (a vinde)
El………………………..maine dimineata (a trimite)
Ei……………………………dupa nunta (a spune)
Daca esti baiat cuminte, iti…………………..un cal (a cumpara)