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This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |
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How do you do?
(“how do you do” is just a greeting, meaning “hello” and the answer is the same) (“how do you do” este doar un salut, insemnand “buna” iar raspunsul este acelasi)
There are several possible answers: (Sunt mai multe raspunsuri posibile)
I am from …. (the city, region, country you come from). (Sunt din…(orasul, regiunea, tara din acre provii))
I am …(the number of your years) (Am…numarul de ani)
I live in … (your address) (Locuiesc in…(adresa))
I would like a/an … (plus a noun) (As dori un/o…(plus un substantiv))
I would like to … (plus a verb) (As dori sa…(plus verb))
Yes, I do / No, I don’t. (Da, imi place. Nu, nu imi place.)
He/she is fine/excellent/so-so/not too bad, thank you. (E bine/excellent/asa si asa/nu prea rau, multumesc.)
I would like to go shopping. (Mi-ar placea sa merg la cumparaturi.)
I would like to sleep. I would like to have a nap. (Mi-ar placea sa dorm. Mi-ar placea sat rag un pui de somn.)
I would like to eat/drink something. (Mi-ar placea sa mananc/beau ceva.)
I can paint and draw. (Stiu sa pictez sis a desenez.)
I can repair sinks. (Stiu sa repar chiuvete.)
I can build a house. (Stiu sa construiesc o casa.)
I can fix/repair your car. (Pot sa-ti repar masina.)
I am a plumber/carpenter/shop assistant/engineer/lawyer. (Sunt instalator/templar/vanzator/inginer/avocet.)
Form of the tense: (Forma timpului)
Am/are/is + present participle (participiu prezent)
Affirmative: I am watching a film now. (Acum privesc un fim.)
Negative: I am not drinking beer now. (Acum nu beau bere.)
Interrogative: Is she sleeping now? (Doarme acum?)
Main uses of the tense: (Se foloseste:)
E.g. He is eating a cheesecake now. (Acum, el mananca o placinta cu branza.)
E.g. I am learning today for the English test. (Azi invat pentru testul la engleza.)
E.g. We are meeting the president tonight. (Ne intalnim cu presedintele in aceasta seara.)
E.g. She is always smoking when she sees me. (Ea fumeaza intotdeauna cand ma vede.)
If you want to be hired by a manager, you have to sell your image, that is to know how to describe yourself. (Daca vrei sa fii angajat de un manager, trebuie sa-ti vinzi imaginea, adica, trebuie sa stii cum sa te descrii.)
The manager’s question can be: (Intrebarea managerului poate fii:)
Can you describe yourself in two or three phrases? (Poti sa te descrii in 2 sau 3 fraze?)
Imagine looking yourself into a mirror; it is time to describe what you see: (Imagineaza-ti ca te privesti intr-o oglinda; e timpul sa descrii ceea ce vezi: )
I am tall/short. I am 25 years old and I live in my beautiful, old town. I am thin, my hair is black and I have green eyes. I am thin and pretty.
(Sunt inalta/scunda. Am 25 de ani si locuiesc in frumosul meu oras vechi. Sunt subtire, am parul negru si am ochi verzi. Sunt subtire si draguta.)
I am hardworking, intelligent and I love working in teams. (Sunt muncitoare, inteligenta si imi place sa lucrez in echipa.)
When describing your family, you must mention the names of your other family members, their age, their profession, some details regarding their physical appearance and some hobbies and interests. (Atunci cand iti descrii familia, trebuie sa mentionezi numele celorlalti membrii ai familiei, varsta lor, profesia lor, cateva detalii privind infatisarea lor fizica si cateva hobiuri si centre de interes.)
Let’s see two examples: (Hai sa vedem 2 exemple:)
She is my cousin. She is my sister.
(Ea este verisoara mea.) (Ea este sora mea.)
Her name is Helen. Her name is Mary.
(Numele ei este Helen. ) (Numele ei este Mary.)
She is twenty-six. She is thirty.
(Are 26 de ani.) (Are 30 de ani.)
She is a teacher. She is a waitress.
(Este profesoara.) (Este chelnerita.)
She has long hair. She has short hair.
(Are parul lung.) (Are parul scurt.)
Her hair is dark. Her hair is blonde.
(Parul ei este negru inchis.) (Are parul blond.)
She likes cooking. She likes skating.
(Ii place sa gateasca) (Ii place sa patineze.)
. Say what you like and dislike (Spune ce-ti place si ce nu-ti place)
According to different topics, you can express your likes and dislikes: (In functie de diferite teme, poti sa exprimi ceea ce-ti place si ce nu-ti place.)
Sports (Sporturile)
I like/I don’t like playing …(the name of the sport – football, basketball, tennis, badminton etc) (Imi place/Nu-mi place sa joc… (numele sportului-fotbal, baschet, tennis, badminton etc.))
Politics (Politica)
I like/I don’t like …(politicians, a specific name, parties, ideologies) (Imi plac/Nu-mi plac…(politicienii, un anume nume, partidele, ideologiile))
Meals (Mancaruri)
I like/I don’t like … (soup, beef, pork, chicken, milk, tea etc) (Imi place/Nu-mi place…(supa, carnea de vita, canea de porc, puiul, laptele, ceaiul etc.))
You can combine likes and dislikes: (Poti sa combini ce-ti place si ce nu-ti place)
I like coffee but I don’t like coffee and milk. (Imi place cafeaua dar nu-mi place cafeaua cu lapte.)
First of all, we have to give a short list of hobbies. Life without a hobby can turn you into a robot. (Mai intai trebuie sa intocmim o scurta lista de hobiuri. Viata fara un hobby te poate transforma intr-un robot.)
When we are young, we like to: (Cand suntem tineri, ne place sa:)
Later on, when adults, we can have different hobbies: (Mai tarziu, cand suntem adulti, putem avea diverse hobi-uri)
When we talk about interests, we can say that we may be interested in: (Cand vorbim de interese, putem spune ca ne intereseaza:)
When describing hobbies and interests, we must explain why that particular hobby and why that sudden/old interest. (Cand vorbim despre hobbi-uri si interese, trebuie sa explicam de ce avem acel hobby si de unde acel brusc/vechi interes.)
E.g. I am interested in fashion because my sister is a photomodel and she was the cover of a fashion magazine. (Ma intereseaza moda deoarece sora mea este fotomodel si s-a aflat pe coperta unei reviste de moda.)
E.g. My hobby is gardening because I love flowers and trees very much. I always enjoyed taking care of them. (Hobby-ul meu este gradinaritul deoarece imi plac florile si copacii foare mult. Intotdeuna mi-a placut sa am grija de ei.)4.7. Give short basic descriptions of events (Descrie succinct evenimentele)
Speaking about your day at work: (O zi obisnuita la locul de munca )
Today, I had a lot of work to do at the office. My boss sent me to the bank with some documents and I had to wait for an hour to deliver them. When I came back, I had to write several e-mails to our suppliers to order new products. It was a busy and tiresome day. (Astazi, am avut mult de lucru la birou. Seful m-a trimis la banca cu niste documente si a trebuit sa astept o ora sa le predau. Cand m-am intors a trebuit sa scriu cateva e-mailuri furnizorilor nostri pentru a comanda noi produse. A fost o zi plina si obositoare.)
May, can, and must are among the most important modal verbs. (May, can si must sunt printer cele mai importante verbe modale.)
MAY is used to: (MAY se foloseste pentru:)
E.g. May I open the door? (Pot/Imi dati voie sa deschid fereastra?)
E.g. Tom may become a very important politician. (Tom poate ajunge un politician foarte important.)
CAN is used to: (CAN se foloseste pentru:)
E.g. He can ride a bike. (El poate merge pe bicicleta.)
E.g. He cannot drive a bus. (Nu poate sa conduca un autobus.)
E.g. Can I tell him the truth? (Pot sa-I zic adevarul?)
E.g. Can you help me with my luggage? (Ma poti ajuta cu bagajul?)
MUST is used to: (MUST se foloseste pentru:)
E.g. You must go to Spain. (Trebuie sa mergi in Spania.)
E.g. You mustn’t give him the book. (Nu trebuie sa-I dai cartea.)
He …………………………….to the radio now. (listen)
El……………………………….radioul acum (a asculta)
She often …………………….…..in the garden (work)
Ea adesea…………………………in gradina (munci)
This week I …………………………….. a composition. (write)
In aceasta saptamana eu……………..o compunere (a scrie)
Every spring, the wind ……………………..very hard in this region (blow)
In fiecare primavera, vantul…………………forate tare in aceasta regiune (a sufla)