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This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |
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Sie werden immer wieder folgendes hören:
Come here, please.
Go there, please.
Write your name here, please.
Sign here, please.
Next, please.
Someone else, please.
This way, please.
Stop here, please.
Just a minute, please.
Here you are.
Wenn wir jemanden etwas fragen, benutzen wir oft folgende Worte:
When do you want to come?
Where do you want to go?
Why do you prefer to stay here?
Who is there?
What is this?
Which car do you like?
How do you like the coffee?
How much
How much sugar do you want?
How many
How many days do you want to stay there?
Dezimalzahlen werden immer durch “.” (Punkt) angezeigt, nicht durch ein “,” (Komma).
35.42 = thirty-five point four two
Eine Null nach einem Dezimalpunkt wird wie der Buchstabe 0:
12.08 = twelve point oh eight
Um Summen auszudrücken, verwendet man:
Die Bevölkerung einer Stadt
Die Zeit angeben
What time is it, please?
Could you, please, tell me what time it is?
Die Antwort beginnt mit “It is”, gefolgt von der Anzahl der Minuten, dann “past” oder “to” und schließlich die Stunde.
Fifteen minutes means a quarter (of an hour).
Thirty minutes means half (of an hour).
What time is it?
7:15: It is a quarter past seven.
6:45: It is a quarter to seven.
8:30: It is half past eight.
4:00: It is four o’clock.
Ladies and gentlemen/Dear participants/dear guests/dear collaborators
I would like to welcome you to the official opening of …. It is a great honour for everybody. ….
Thanks everybody for participation and thanks for paying attention.
I wish you a successful activity.
Hello everybody,
As you well know, we have a little delay with our products delivery. I would like to ask all of you to make an effort to be on time with production. That’s all for today. Now, it is time to get to work.
Good morning,
We have problems. Actually, you have very big problems….
Wenn Sie am Flughafen oder einem Bahnhof sind, müssen Sie Durchsagen verstehen.
Der Text kann wie folgt lauten:
Attention please, all passengers on Flight 853 to Edinburgh. We are now ready for boarding at Gate C28. Thank you.
Können Sie nun bitte folgende Fragen beantworten:
Who is making the announcement?
What number is the flight?
What gate is the flight?
Üben Sie das mit Ihren TrainerInnen oder KollegInnen (Durchsagen machen und diese laut vorlesen).
Wenn zwei Menschen diskutieren, kann man Rückschlüsse über den Hintergrund eines Gespräches ziehen.
Alan: Tomorrow, I have a very difficult exam. I could not learn everything.
Tom: It’s a pity. You know that our teacher is very harsh on grades.
Was ist die Idee hinter dem Dialog:
Wahrscheinlich wird Alan durch die Prüfung fallen.