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This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. |
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“Please, take the time to fill in this questionnaire and send it to Mr/Mrs/Ms …” “Prašome skirti truputį laiko užpildyti šią anketą ir išsiųsti ją ponui/poniai...“
O baigiasi taip:
“Thank you for your time” „Dėkojame už sugaištą laiką“
Your name – Jūsų vardas
Your address – Jūsų adresas
Your e-mail address – Jūsų el. pašto adresas
Your phone – Jūsų telefono numeris
Tam, kad išvengtumėte dviprasmiškumo, turite būti itin atidūs ir glausti, rašydami žinutę ar trumpą pastabą, raštelį. Žinutė turi būti aiški ir lengvai suprantama.
Trumpi rašteliai neturi būti sudėtingos struktūros, nes sudėtingi sakiniai yra sunkiai suprantami.
Trumpas raštelis dėl susitikimo:
I arrived at 6 o’clock. There was nobody in the office. I then realized that the meeting was at 7 o’clock. I read a newspaper and drank a cup of coffee. Aš atvykau 6 valandą. Ofise nieko nebuvo. Tada supratau, kad susitikimas 7 valandą. Paskaičiau laikraštį ir išgėriau puodelį kavos.
Trumpo pasveikinančio laiško rašymas
(gavėjo vardas ir pavardė)
25 Riverside Street
(pašto kodas)
Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms …
Allow me the pleasure of congratulating you on your new job/ on your 10th anniversary/ on your buying a new house etc.
I am certain it is a great achievement and I look forward to congratulating you in person.
Best regards,
(Jūsų vardas)
Nusiskundimo rašymas
(Gavėjo vardas, pavardė ir adresas)
25 Riverside Street
(pašto kodas)
Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms …
I am writing on a matter which I am sure it will be of interest to you. The attitude of some of your employees is not something that honors you.
I am not asking to punish/fire them, but I would like to talk to them in order to revise their attitude towards customers.
Thank you for your time and I do believe in your fair judgement.
(jūsų vardas ir el. pašto adresas)
Veiksmažodis +ed arba netaisyklingos veiksmažodžių formos
Teigiamoji: I worked on the computer until midnight.
Neigiamoji: I didn’t see him when he arrived.
Klausiamoji: Did you take the papers?
Būtuoju laiku paprastai išreiškiamas praeityje įvykęs ir užsibaigęs veiksmas. Dažnai kartu naudojami laiko būdvardžiai.
Būtojo laiko netaisyklinguosius veiksmažodžius reikia išmokti atmintinai.
Dažniausiai vartojamų netaisyklingų veiksmažodžių formos (jų yra žymiai daugiau, pateikiami dažniausiai vartojami):
V1 Base Form |
V2 |
V3 |
Pagr. formos vertimas |
awake |
awoke |
awoken |
pabusti |
be |
was, were |
been |
būti |
beat |
beat |
beaten |
smogti, mušti |
become |
became |
become |
tapti |
begin |
began |
begun |
pradėti |
bend |
bent |
bent |
lenkti |
bet |
bet |
bet |
lažintis |
bid |
bid |
bid |
kainos siūlymas |
bite |
bit |
bitten |
kąsti |
blow |
blew |
blown |
pūsti |
break |
broke |
broken |
sulaužyti |
bring |
brought |
brought |
atnešti |
broadcast |
broadcast |
broadcast |
transliuoti |
build |
built |
built |
statyti |
burn |
burned/burnt |
burned/burnt |
degti |
buy |
bought |
bought |
pirkti |
catch |
caught |
caught |
pagauti |
choose |
chose |
chosen |
pasirinkti |
come |
came |
come |
ateiti, atvykti |
cost |
cost |
cost |
kainuoti |
cut |
cut |
cut |
pjauti |
dig |
dug |
dug |
kasti |
do |
did |
done |
daryti |
draw |
drew |
drawn |
piešti |
dream |
dreamed/dreamt |
dreamed/dreamt |
sapnuoti, svajoti |
drive |
drove |
driven |
vairuoti |
drink |
drank |
drunk |
gerti |
eat |
ate |
eaten |
valgyti |
fall |
fell |
fallen |
kristi |
feel |
felt |
felt |
jausti |
fight |
fought |
fought |
kovoti |
find |
found |
found |
rasti |
fly |
flew |
flown |
skristi |
forget |
forgot |
forgotten |
pamiršti |
forgive |
forgave |
forgiven |
atleisti |
freeze |
froze |
frozen |
šalti |
get |
got |
gotten |
gauti |
give |
gave |
given |
duoti |
go |
went |
gone |
eiti |
grow |
grew |
grown |
augti |
hang |
hung |
hung |
pakabinti |
have |
had |
had |
turėti |
hear |
heard |
heard |
girdėti |
hide |
hid |
hidden |
paslėpti |
hit |
hit |
hit |
smogti |
hold |
held |
held |
laikyti |
hurt |
hurt |
hurt |
sužeisti |
keep |
kept |
kept |
laikyti |
know |
knew |
known |
žinoti |
lay |
laid |
laid |
gulėti |
lead |
led |
led |
vesti |
learn |
learned/learnt |
learned/learnt |
mokytis, išmokti |
leave |
left |
left |
palikti |
lend |
lent |
lent |
paskolinti |
let |
let |
let |
leisti |
lie |
lay |
lain |
gulėti |
lose |
lost |
lost |
pamesti |
make |
made |
made |
padaryti |
mean |
meant |
meant |
reikšti |
meet |
met |
met |
susitikti |
pay |
paid |
paid |
mokėti |
put |
put |
put |
dėti |
read |
read |
read |
skaityti |
ride |
rode |
ridden |
važinėtis |
ring |
rang |
rung |
skambinti |
rise |
rose |
risen |
(pa)kilti |
run |
ran |
run |
bėgti |
say |
said |
said |
sakyti |
see |
saw |
seen |
matyti |
sell |
sold |
sold |
parduoti |
send |
sent |
sent |
siųsti |
show |
showed |
showed/shown |
parodyti |
shut |
shut |
shut |
Už(si)daryti |
sing |
sang |
sung |
dainuoti |
sit |
sat |
sat |
atsisėsti |
sleep |
slept |
slept |
miegoti |
speak |
spoke |
spoken |
kalbėti |
spend |
spent |
spent |
praleisti |
stand |
stood |
stood |
atsistoti |
swim |
swam |
swum |
plaukti |
take |
took |
taken |
(pa)imti |
teach |
taught |
taught |
mokyti |
tear |
tore |
torn |
plėšyti |
tell |
told |
told |
pasakyti |
think |
thought |
thought |
galvoti |
throw |
threw |
thrown |
mesti |
understand |
understood |
understood |
suprasti |
wake |
woke |
woken |
(pa)žadinti |
wear |
wore |
worn |
vilkėti |
win |
won |
won |
laimėti |
write |
wrote |
written |
rašyti |
Jei norite pasipraktikuoti, sekite nuorodas:
As in all big cities, parking in inner city (or downtown) can be limited. In some parking areas, there are coin operated parking meters with maximum time limit. (Kaip ir visuose didžiuosiuose miestuose, parkavimas centre gali būti ribojamas. Kai kuriose parkavimo zonose yra monetų aparatai, kuriuose reikia susimokėti už tam tikrą stovėjimo laiką.)
The town has an efficient bus system which offers you comfort and support. You can rely on it. Besides, there are a lot of taxi companies which have a very quick response when calling them. (Miestuose veikia veiksminga ir patogi autobusų sistema. Gali ja pasikliauti. Be to, yra daugybė taksi įmonių, kurios labai greitai atvyks, jei tik paskambinsite joms.)
Most banks are open from 8 o’clock until 4 o’clock, Monday to Friday. On Saturday, they are open until 1 o’clock. On Sundays, all the banks are closed. (Didžioji dalis bankų veikia nuo 8 iki 4 valandų, nuo pirmadienio iki penktadienio. Šeštadieniais jie dirba iki 1 valandos. Sekmadieniais bankai uždaryti.)
6.6. Išmokite nurodyti chronologinę įvykių seką
Tam, kad būtu galima chronologiška seka nurodyti ką jūs veikėte ar kokių įvykių liudininkais buvote, labai svarbu naudoti žodžius, kurie suteikia jūsų teiginiui aiškumo:
In the morning/in the afternoon/in the evening/at night – ryte/perpiet/vakare/naktį
In the very morning = early in the morning – ankstyvą rytą
From 8 o’clock until 11 o’clock …. – nuo 8 iki 11 valandos... (ar kt. laiku)
Then… - tada...
After that… - po to...
Subsequently… - vėliau, paskui....
Previously… - anksčiau...
In the end… - pabaigoje...
Finally… - galiausiai...
There are many connectors that can ease your discourse (they are also called discourse markers). Among them, the most common examples are:
I mean
In fact
As a matter of fact
In other words
First of all
To begin with/ to start with
Then …/ next…
After that… / Later …
Lastly … / finally – galiausiai...
Moreover – be to, dar daugiau
Furthermore – dar, be to
In addition – be to
And - ir
Also – taip pat
As well as that – lygiai taip, kaip
Besides – be to
On top of that – be to
Another thing is – kitas dalykas,
For example - pavyzdžiui
To illustrate – iliustruojant
For instance - pavyzdžiui
In particular – ypač, ypatingai
On the whole – visumoje
In general – bendrai
Broadly speaking – bendrai kalbant
In summary – apibendrinant (reikia pasakyti)
To summarize - apibendrinant
To conclude - reziumuojant
In conclusion – (už)baigiant
But - bet
On the contrary - priešingai
On the other hand – iš kitos pusės
However – vis dėlto
Even so – tačiau, vis tiek
Still – tačiau, bet
Although – nors (ir), net jei
Make; Spend; Let; Grow; Sit; Write; Read; Give; Break; Choose
Jei esi pasirengęs savęs įsivertinimo apklausai, eik į svetainėje esantį skyrelį TESTAS |
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