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Upon completion of this unit you shall be able to:
There are several questions to ask when speaking about the concept of technology:
Technology refers to:
When speaking about technology we include, on the one hand:
and on the other hand:
Technology can be applied to specific areas such as:
Many technological developments led to important steps in man’s evolution.
Therefore, the invention of printing press led to an easier communication among people – it led to the Age of Enlightenment (technology is commonly regarded as a “cultural force”).
Science versus technology
The distinction between science and technology is not always clear. Science is the reasoned investigation or study of phenomena, aimed at discovering enduring principles among elements of the phenomenal world by employing formal techniques such as the scientific method. Technologies are not usually exclusively products of science, because they have to satisfy requirements such as utility, usability and safety. The development of technology may draw upon many fields of knowledge, including scientific, engineering, mathematical, linguistic, and historical knowledge, to achieve some practical result. Technology is often a consequence of science - although technology as a human activity precedes the fields of science and engineering. For example, science might study the flow of electrons in electrical conductors, by using already-existing tools and knowledge. This new-found knowledge may then be used by engineers to create new tools and machines, such as semiconductors, computers, and other forms of advanced technology. In this sense, scientists and engineers may both be considered technologists.
There is a strong relationship between society and technology, being characterized as:
Technology influences and is influenced by economics, ethics, institutions, groups, governments, environment.
Regarded as a benefactor of society, technicism expresses the overconfidence in technology.
In the opening lines of Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle (384–322 BC) observed that “Every techne and every inquiry, and similarly every praxis and pursuit, is believed to aim at some good”. Technicism means the ultimate victory of technology over the entire existence of human beings (even controlling future).
It is a blind acceptance of technological developments.
Give at least 5 examples of technological developments which changed society’s life
Most recent and most used technological developments
Among the most used devices in the last couple of years, we can mention laptops, MP3 players and cell phones. Let’s see some good things and some bad things about them.
These portable computers are becoming increasingly popular for those who do not work in an office. The rate at which laptops are being sold is steadily growing and will continue to do so. One of the best features of the laptop is that it is portable. One can access their computer at anytime, since it can be taken everywhere.
Advantageous in the business world, laptops are helpful for those who travel a lot. For example, a boss enters an office, slouches down, and takes a seat. Firmly the boss states to his employee that he must attend a conference for the weekend, to be held in Ottawa. The employee has a presentation to deliver when he returns. How is the employee able to be present at the conference and be capable to prepare for the presentation at the same time? If a laptop was accessible, while travelling the presentation prep could be accomplished and in his other time, he could focus on the conference. Basically, having a laptop saves time.
Some of the problems associated with a laptop are dealing with stress and theft. If carrying the laptop everywhere, there is no chance to relax. The boss immediately expects you to stay in touch with work, since you have a laptop. As a result, attempts at relaxation will not minimize, and may increase the stress. Another burden involving the laptop is possibilities of theft. Since it is expensive, others may want to steal it. This creates more stress to ensure no one takes it.
The entertainment available on a laptop can be quite distracting. The computer flicks on. A password is typed in to log on. A report must be written to hand in the next day. Typing away, I click on the Internet link. I download a game and decide to play for 10minutes. An hour later, I'm engaged in typing away to keep up with messenger chat rooms, patiently waiting for a DVD to load, and listening to music. What happened to writing the report? Considering that laptops offer many features, people can get really involved with the entertainment and forget about the important things.
MP3 players
The most popular and recent development in technology that allows consumers to play their tunes. More efficient then CDs and cassette tapes, they enable people to create personalized lists of music and store thousands of songs into a small portable device.
These new gadgets allow consumers to save money. For example, instead of having to purchase many CDs to listen to favourite music, they could format them onto an MP3 player. In addition, one may like only 3 songs from one band and 2 songs from another band. As opposed to buying 2 separate CDs to listen to a few good tunes, songs could be downloaded and placed onto a MP3 to suite one's taste.
Although MP3 players may seem like the best invention, it does have its faults. Walking down the hallway of a school, students are holding their books and going to class. One thing I cannot help to notice is how nowadays, almost every student has headphones in their ears, constantly listening to music. It then occurs to me that although MP3 players may be money-saving, good investments causes a lack of communication with the people in your surroundings, making the owner of the player appear antisocial. MP3 players cause people to become preoccupied in their music, which is one of the disadvantages to them.
As MP3 players enrich people's lives, it causes businesses to suffer financially. Music companies do not produce much profit when it comes to selling CDs, since MP3 players have taken over. Music artists have to determine another approach of making money, which is not fair to them.
Cranking up the volume, the voice of the teacher is drowned out. The teacher looks at the student, and the student continues to listen to music. While the teacher states how it is impertinent to be listening to music in class, the student claims that he or she is listening to what the teacher has to say. MP3 are very distracting in school, for example. Although the student may state that he or she can multi task by listening to teacher and music, we know that is not the most effective way or learning. If listening to music in class, eventually the teacher is ignored.
Cell phones
A technological device that began with 16 million users in 1994 has become one of society's current demands in the market, attracting now billions of consumers around the world . What qualities of cell phones make them so desirable? Not only does it allow the user to store contact information, text message other users, send emails, access the Internet, and play games, but in addition, it also enables the user to call anyone from anywhere. This aspect creates convenience for everyone in any situation. For example, a truck driver has to deliver supplies to Oklahoma. He finally reaches his destination but finds out that the location has now been changed to New York. If the truck driver was equipped with a cell phone, then while on the road the driver could have been informed about delivery changes.
The main advantage to having a cell phone regards safety. Strolling in the park, a man suddenly clutches his arm and falls to the ground. An elderly lady sitting on a bench notices the man having a heart attack and scurries to him. In such an emergency, it would be easier to have a cell phone to call for help instead of wasting precious time trying to find the nearest pay phone.
My feet leave imprints in the sand as I walk on the beach, soaking up the sun's rays as it shines on me, and then suddenly, I feel a vibrating tingly feeling on my leg. It's my cell phone, receiving a call from work. Even though I'm on vacation, I am not relaxing because I am concerned about work, which defeats the whole purpose of going on vacation. Despite the convenience of contacting someone at anytime for emergencies, being accessible at any time does not allow you any time for yourself.
Talking on the cell phone all the time can display the wrong body message. For example, a person is talking to someone and his or her phone rings. They answer it and begin to talk. This indicates to the other person that they are unimportant and that the phone call is given precedence. In addition, talking on the phone gives the image that one has a social life. Some may pretend to be on the phone to show how they are imperative. With this type of attitude, cell phones are now being used as a fashionable accessory.