Key Competencies Kit
for Facing Lifelong Learning

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Cultural Awareness and Expression

Unit 3: Creativity



This Project has been funded with support from the European Commission.  This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission can not be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

education and training

Getting started

Upon completion of this unit you shall be able to


This unit is all about creativity!
Let's get started – but we did that already....
Remember Brainstorming? Yes? No? - Don't worry, we will show it again – later...

Let’s get started.

ACTIVITY 1 (Group Activity / can also be done on your own)
This acitivty is preferably to be carried out together with your peers


Every student chooses a partner. Every small group discusses and fills out the questionnaire below. Ideally this is done in an interview situation, one person asks the other and takes notes.
If there is enough time it is possible to do it in threes. One students asks the questions, one answers and the third takes notes
But you can do it on your own as well, if you prefer or if there is no group setting possible.

Questionnaire on Creativity

What is Creativity?

Creativity is a mental process involving the discovery of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the existing ideas or concepts, fueled by the process of either conscious or unconscious insight.
It is very much associated with arts, as the whole process of doing a work of arts can only be done if you are creative.
However, creativity is also much needed in everyday life and work situations. If there are problems which can't be solved by a traditional way it is very advisable to come up with something new. This “finding something new” is creativity.

Brainstorming – a repetition ;-)

In order to create new ideas and approaches in a group of people, brainstorming is a very useful method as you probably noticed in Unit I.

Here we will show you how it works again.

is a method for finding ideas. Brainstorming encourages the creation of new, unusual ideas in a group.

How does it work?
Everyone mentions everything that springs to their minds on a certain topic.
A moderator takes notes of all ideas, proposals, opinions and objections – ideally somewhere where everyone can see it (whiteboard, flip chart etc.)
There are no limits on the creation of ideas, everybody can react to anything someone else had said and can develop it further.
Ideas can be combined to something new.
Important: Judgements or comments are not allowed!

The following rules apply:
5 to 15 participants
Equality of all participants
Duration of the session: 10 to 30 minutes
Free flow of ideas
Quantity before quality – the focus lies on the production of as many ideas as possible
No criticism or deragatory comments
The outcome can later be structured and worked on.
The ideas are a first collection on a certain topic.
Usually there are a lot of very good suggestions to work on.

How can you use this method?
for finding ideas
for working on a complex issue
for finding headings



Why don't you try another brainstorming exercise?
You could choose «CREATIVITY » as a topic, or if you prefer it, just take «holidays».
You are on your own and not in a group?
Just have a go and see what happens.....


Another helpful method to get to your creative ressources is mindmapping.
The purpose of this method is to activate the mind and to map the thoughts. It is used to structure complex issues, to collect new ideas, to summarize a discussion, to take notes,...




  • Creativity is a mental process involving the discovery of new ideas or concepts, or new associations of the existing ideas or concepts, fueled by the process of either conscious or unconscious insight.

  • There a many methods to stimulate creativity, two of the most widely used are brainstorming and mind mapping.

Picture credit:

License: public domain

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